
E - Dor Lock


Features:- 6Way Unlocking System ( Face Recognize, Blue Tooth, Fingerprint, RFID Card, Pin Number & Mechanical Keys) Application: 180 degree ultra wide-angle camera, Integrated Visual Large Screen, Long lasing super peace of mind, Multiple Unlocking Methods, Innovative anti-Pinch Design Read more

Brand: Harrison
Categories: E - Dor Lock
SKU: #d9wSDigup8

Features:-  6Way Unlocking System ( Face Recognize, Blue Tooth,  Fingerprint,  RFID Card,  Pin Number & Mechanical Keys)

Application:  180 degree ultra wide-angle camera, Integrated Visual Large Screen, Long lasing super peace of mind, Multiple Unlocking Methods, Innovative  anti-Pinch Design

Specifications Descriptions
Unlocking Mechanism 6 ways
Screen Display Integrated Visual Large Screen
Camera 180 degree ultra wide-angle camera
Design Innovative anti-Pinch Design
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